Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association Directors Spring Zoom Meeting
April 25, 2023
Members Present:
Mike Slicker (Lighthouse Books); William Chrisant (Old Florida Bookshop); Richard Meli, MD (Heartwood Books); Thorne Donnelly (Liberty Book Store); Sharon Kissell (Foster Books), Steve
Bolter (Sleuth Books) and Richard Oates (Blind Horse Books)
Also Present: Tracy Fleming (Heartwood Books)
-President Mike Slicker thanked Richard Oates for his work on the website including new member profiles
-The board was informed that Vice-President Mike Cotter has resigned. William Chrisant has been appointed Vice-President
-A motion was passed that the website will direct all new member applications and checks be sent to Secretary Sharon Kissell. New members may only pay by check. Member renewals by check will be sent to Sharon Kissell who will forward them to Treasurer Richard Meli. Once a new member is approved by the board, Sharon Kissell will send the new member information to Richard Oates to update the online
-Robert A Norman was approved as a new member contingent upon his paying the additional $25 membership fee (Norman has paid $35). Mike Slicker will contact him.
-InkQ Books of Texas was approved as a new associate member.
-Andrew Nottman (The Accidental Bookseller) was approved as a new member contingent upon his paying membership fees. Richard Meli/Tracy Fleming will contact Nottman.
-it was approved to remove Haslam Books from the online directory because the store has been closed since 2020 and dues have not been paid
-Discussion about the booksellers of Lakeland, Florida holding Book Week events leading up to Independent Books Store Week. It was suggested that FABA pursue an event for 2024.
-Discussion that Susan Mick of Tippecanoe Antiques Trader is organizing a Book Fair to be held in Tallahassee the week prior to the FABA Book Fair.
Meeting Adjourned