Join us!
How to join FABA
If you are a professional bookseller in Florida and have been actively engaged in buying and selling antiquarian books for at least a year, you may be eligible to join FABA.
You may submit your application online by clicking on the APPLY ONLINE button or download the PDF found below to submit it by mail. If you click on the APPLY ONLINE button above, you will be taken to an online form. Please fill out the form and submit it using the button a the bottom of the form.
Recommendations from two current members of FABA are needed as well. Sponsors may submit recommendations online.
The Florida Antiquarian Booksellers' Association Board of Directors reviews applications for membership; although the process may be quicker, please allow ninety days for the application to be acted upon.
Why you should join FABA
Membership in the Florida Antiquarian Booksellers' Association is a significant benefit to Florida booksellers. It is, most importantly, an indication to the community at large that you are a serious professional bookseller who subscribes to a stringent Code of Ethics and rules of professional conduct. In addition, it is an excellent means for professional networking, as the Association includes dealers from every part of the state.
As a member, your business will receive coverage on the FABA’s newly redesigned Web site, The new Internet presence includes an up-to-date database that allows readers to find your business in a variety of ways, including your specialties, or your city or region of the state. Links to your Web site, your listing on other professional sales sites such as AbeBooks, your blog, your Facebook page, or other online presences can be included with your listing.
You also will have the opportunity to contribute articles and photographs about your business to the new FABA Journal, a magazine-style blog for book lovers, collectors, and fans. In an inviting format designed especially for readers, an article about you could go a long way toward helping to inform potential new customers about your business.
Trifold brochures containing full listings of all FABA members, along with a map of where to find them, are mailed each year to welcome centers, libraries, and member shops all over the state of Florida. In addition, they are made available at dozens of antique and book shows across the country.
Membership in FABA puts you in touch with other dealers, who can offer advice, expertise, and reciprocal dealer discounts. That means you have access to valuable resources from members with many years of experience and an extensive inventory of books to fill customers' needs and desires. Members give other members preference of referral. FABA allows you to build relationships that can not only benefit your business but also enrich your life.
As a member of FABA, you are automatically invited to participate in the Florida Antiquarian Book Fair, the oldest and largest antiquarian book fair in the Southeastern United States. This premier event is held in March each year at The Coliseum in downtown St. Petersburg. The 1920s-vintage facility is a perfect location for an antiquarian book fair, and thousands of eager book lovers throng to the three-day event each year. Membership entitles you to both waitlist and booth preferences at the fair and entitles you to two free passes to the fair to give away to loyal customers. All non-exhibiting members are allowed free entrance to the fair.
FABA provides educational opportunities for members, including seminars on getting the most from your online marketing effort, running a business, and the many and varied aspects of the antiquarian book business.
Membership in the Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association is a wise investment.

Please fill in all sections under Directory Information. Be sure to provide all the information requested under General Information. Send the completed form by clicking the Submit button below.
Important Info
You must be actively engaged in the buying and selling of antiquarian books for at least one year to be eligible for FABA membership.
Please be advised: Because of the large size of our state, FABA Board of Directors meets infrequently — usually no more than twice a year. Therefore, it may be several months between the time you send in your application and your final notification of the board's decision. Feel free to contact the vice president for an update on your application.
Annual Dues
Annual Membership
• Full member – $60
• Associate Member – $35
No Exceptions
As part of the review process of your application, a board member will be required to come and view your inventory. For open shops, obviously this poses little difficulty, but for those of you who deal as "mail only" dealers, some arrangement will have to be made so that a board member can review your stock. There can be no exceptions to this requirement.
Membership Application
Please fill in all starred fields. Please fill in all sections under Directory Information.
Be sure to provide all the information requested under General Information.
Send the completed form by clicking the Submit button below. Please limit your entry to 45 characters per line. Text may be edited for directory printing. We look forward to reviewing your application and you will hear back from us soon!